We Had A Pink Princesses and Knights Party!

I’m sure that you have all seen by now that Kyla is kind of obsessed with pink, and thankfully Riya just goes with whatever is happening and is not really fussed.  So to make a “pink theme” a bit more exciting we added the “Princesses and Knights” to the theme, which just made her day.  Especially since she has found this new obsession with Princesses –Thank you Disney Channel on DSTV.  Have mentioned that she is such a girly girl.

This was the invitation to the Princess Party (and yes, those are the girls faces skilfully inserted into the cartoon pictures by Seth – he is good at this kind of thing):

We also tried our hand at making a pink castle cake with fondant icing.  And for a first attempt I recon it came out pretty well!  Seth (being the architect that he is) designed the entire cake in Revit first, to make sure that he was happy with how it was going to look.  Then we got stuck in to making it look good.

Because it was a double birthday party, I think we had double the amount of people that normal people would have at a party.  We even had to hire a little hall to accommodate everyone.  With the help of the pink tissue paper pom poms that we made, it helped turn the hall into an awesome pink venue:

Then obviously there are the birthday princesses to consider!  I think they are just the most gorgeous things ever in the world!

Getting a look at themselves in the mirror…

My wild haired child – she looked like a little doll.

Tired – even before she had to start entertaining her friends.

Poser 😉

Spot the “photo bomb”…

More on the people that attended and the actual party tomorrow, once I have had a chance to edit some of the photos.

15 thoughts on “We Had A Pink Princesses and Knights Party!

  1. Hey Cindy…Im still reeling with anger that we didnt make it…Lily came down with tonsillitus and an ear infection and me with flu, not what I had planned for a good birthday!…I hope that the girls had a very special day! They looked beautiful and the cake was great!!!!

  2. Hi Cindy, I went to school with Seth and I LOVE your blog! I check it everyday! The cake you made is stunning! I am sure your girls had a special day!!!!

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