10 Days Of Giveaways – Noah’s Ark Playset From Coral Moon (Worth R365!)


What a week of awesome companies giving away awesome things to you awesome people!  Had enough awesome?  Me neither!  I hope that you are enjoying these giveaways as much as I am enjoying giving you things!
A couple of days ago, the girls and I decided to go through their toys and find some that they don’t play with to give to other children that would play with it.  OK, so I totally decided and they were only sort of willing to oblige me, be either way I realised that we have so many toys and things that I have hidden from them because I was scared that Knox would put it in his mouth and die from all the toxic junk they put into it.
What’s that got to do with anything?  Well, nothing, except that this super cool Noah’s Ark play set is totally eco friendly and made out of reinforced recycled cardboard.  It’s part of the Kroom brand that ensure that all their furniture and playsets are eco friendly.

My kids love the story of Noah’s Ark and would so enjoy being able to act it out.  Plus they would really enjoy “building” the set when they get it, putting all the animals together would be another way to teach them all the different ones out there.  Some key points about why this is extra awesome:

  • Designed and patented products made out of recycled cardboard
  • Simple assembly without using any tools
  • Eco-friendly with stunning designs
  • All product surfaces can be cleaned when using a dry wipe board marker


This and much, much more available at Coral Moon, who stock and supply a range of different toys and products and all the brand names that you know and love – check out their website or A5 Flyer!

To enter:

If you want to share this giveaway on Facebook or on Twitter (please include @cindyalfino and @coralmoonSA) you are most welcome to – it won’t get you extra entries, but it will possibly help one of your friends have an awesome present this Christmas 🙂

(This competition closes on Monday morning to ensure that the lovely people at Coral Moon can ensure that you receive your gift before Christmas – what an awesome gift to give your child this year!)  Entries also only available to those in the RSA.

All the other competitions will be open until next Friday, so don’t forget to enter to win:

  1. R500 Online Voucher with Sticky Fudge
  2. An Awesome Beach Gown from MooMoo Kids
  3. 2 Space Cowboy Cushions from Heart and Home
  4. A gorgeous Buttercup Dress from My Friend Lily

23 thoughts on “10 Days Of Giveaways – Noah’s Ark Playset From Coral Moon (Worth R365!)

    • My munchkin is my niece and god-daughter, and Noah’s Ark is one of my absolute favourite true stores from the Bible. That play set is super cute.

  1. I love traditional toys for my boys. Their favorite toys are good ol’ fashioned wooden blocks and Leggos. Still sparks their imagination.

  2. My 2 year old toddler loves all vehicles,cars,trucks,boats,ships and planes,he also enjoys playing with a ball and his bath toys .my lil girl will be 1 month on sunday and she loves her mobile cot toy that’s plays music and has very colourful animals like a giraffe,monkey and bird that rotate above her,both my cuties will love the noah’s ark toy,crossing fingers for them 🙂

  3. my 2 little boys have been begging me for this ever since they saw it in one of my mommy magazines, they are both boat mad and is the only bible story they want to read, they even pair up all their toy animals. it goes without saying that their Christmas list is packed with requests for boats and animals.

  4. Emily (2) loves to play with her toy horses and dolls. Shaun (8) loves anything that he can build so lego is a favourite at the moment as well as his trains and space shuttles.

  5. I’m not a mom quite yet, but I am a future Speech Therapist – that Coral Moon website is full of stuff that I’d just love to use! My favourite has got to be the Looky Bags and the Dobble packs, they have got so much educational potential 🙂

Go on, tell me what you think...