
Currently I am trying to juggle being a full time Mom, a wife, a business partner and a blogger all while trying to study financial planning in my “free time”.  Sounds exciting right?  I know you are just dying to switch places with me right now.  And on that note, if you happen to see me, go ahead and slap me across the face and remind me to be thankful for all of these things and not to get swallowed up in the depressing detail of feeling like there just isn’t time to do it all.

And also, not letting the stress that I may feel about it all affect the way that I spend my time with this guy and his sisters.


While I try and juggle it all I hope that you won’t mind a few less posts and possibly a few more photos to make up for the lack of words (which I know Seth will be grateful for).  On that note here’s what’s going on with us right now.

Feeling Thankful For:  A supportive and loving husband.  Seriously.  Without this guy by my side I don’t know if I would be able to hold it all together.  I was watching him with the kids the other day (without him knowing it) and thinking that he would totally be my hot male nurse/Doctor should something bad happen and he has to look after me like that.  So hot and perfect that I am almost tempted to wish it to happen.  How’s that for a weird, random look inside my head.

Thinking About: All the things that I could be doing instead of studying in the evenings.  You know like reading a book or painting the house or painting the front door or sitting in front of the fire with coffee or painting my toenails or you know, ANYTHING else!  Not that I would do those things if I didn’t have books in front of me.  I would be sitting in front of the TV instead, although there’s nothing better than a good series!

Eating: Um, lots of veg, fruit, nuts and meat.  But I’m going to tell you a secret – we still eat chips (Lays plain salted or Woolies sweet potato chips are the closest to the best there is in terms of no gluten and extra crap – just FYI).  I can’t tell you how much I look forward to those nights.  The chips don’t even stand a chance.

Watching: True Detective.  It’s flipping interesting and stuff, but like, so much sex.  Really guys?  I’m not a prude (or maybe I am), but really?!  I want to see what happens but one more boob or butt and I might reconsider.  Also, what is it with men not being able to stay faithful to their wives in ANY TV or movie recently.  What are we trying to do here?  But then I watch things like Suburgatory and all is right with the world again (I love this show and just how ridiculous it is)

Bummed Out On: Not being able to order in supper every now and then.  Life before the paleo (having-to-cook-everything-yourself) thing was so much easier with Steers or Eat Out the Box on call.  Now our little bit of extra money is going into the house or maintaining the paleo ways.

Loving:  That it’s almost Easter and I can’t wait to get extra days at home with my family and friends, but also set up the super awesome treasure hunt that Woolies sent us for the kids – they are going to pass out from the awesomeness!  And it’s a big weekend for Seth as he is competing in his first ever half marathon with the 2 Oceans – so proud of him!

11 thoughts on “Currently

  1. Well done! Know how you feel, I studied right after school (no hubby,no kids – a breeze) I also studied just after I got married (Hubby no kids – not bad at all) and now I’ve gone back to college to get my teaching degree (Married and two kids and a business – OMW what was I thinking)….you know how it all gets done!….keep it up and all the best.Happy Easter

  2. Argh. I HATE feeling overwhelmed. I don’t know any of those series but will look out for them. I’m currently watching Criminal Minds. I like it and I hate it – it’s a bit too dark for me sometimes.
    On those nights when I am too tired to cook, I just chuck EVERYTHING in the oven. Roasted veg and chicken. Easy peasy. OR just go to Woollies for rotisserie chicken and do your own salad/veg.

    Studying while mothering and working is DAMN HARD. I have done it so I know. How long is it meant to go on for? Remember, this too shall pass. It’s only for a short while.


  3. Well done for doing so much – I never worked (ex was jealous and abusive and refused to allow me to) but I was so OCD that I was forever cleaning, washing kids, toys, clothes and everything in my path that I was always busy. I suppose it was a way I had control (only think that now). Anyway, have fun over Easter and way to go Seth – brave soul!

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